Sunday, January 10, 2010

Julie/Julia Project

Tonight I watched Julie and Julia. And as I sat there watching the awesome movie, the story about a gal cooking and blogging through Julia Childs' Cookbook," Mastering the Art of French Cooking ", I have become thankful of my blog here.  Sometimes I wonder to myself, "Does anyone read this stuff?" or "Am I even helping anyone" or "Does anyone CARE?" Well, as much as I hope you do, I just love the info I am getting from this.  I pay more attention to fashion, cooking, crafts, and my kids and husband much more.  I try to learn things about them, look things up, and I blog about them.  Sometimes I am sure I may come across as a hoity-toity know it all, (or maybe I just FEEL like that!) but chances are, I probably JUST read it or saw it somewhere and then blogged about it.  And BOY does writing this stuff such a destresser!  I really think this blog is helping my stress level and keeping me calm and stationary.  And THAT in itself is amazing since, well, I'm a pretty darn busy gal!  So, if you have read this far, I would really like to encourage you to a) watch the movie, and b) START a blog!  Or a paint a picture, cook a meal, hit a ball. What ever floats your boat, and do it not for them, but for yourself!

 Also, I found the blog which the movie is based off of, check it out! The Julie/Juliet Project.

Thanks All!


  1. I love that movie! loved the book, loved her blog ... and am so glad that you blog, too.

    by the way, looks nice in here! Love the remodel :-)

  2. Thanks Kara! Yes, it seriously took me hours yesterday to figure stuff out...but I did it! lol. Thanks for being so great Kara!

  3. I read. When I can. ;p
