So Christmas is at my house this year, which is actually easier for us. This way, we don't have to track 3 young kids and their new "favorite" toys (all of them) to someones house, then do it again later that evening. But with that comes the dinner, which I am in charge of. Both my Chris and I come from big families, so we are quite used to entertaining the masses. So I came up with some ways to make it a bit easier on yourself and well, the loved ones around you too. Cause lets face it, no one likes a frazzled, stressed out maniac on the holidays.
1. Ask your loved ones to bring a dish to the event. This will take a ton off of your list. Even if it is someone who is not known as the "cook" (not calling anyone out here) can bring chips and dip or soda for the party.
2. Do as much done ahead of time as possible. This also includeds prep such as chopped onions and celery, and measurments of things in containers. So when you make the dish the day of, it is super easy. You also feel like a t.v. cook who has everything perfectly measured for the camera! Also, you can do the turkey or ham the day before and warm it in the crockpot the day of. This keeps your oven free!
3. Don't over do it. I am NOT Martha Stewart, and I do not want to be. I would rather cuddle with my hubby and kids or play a game with my family than slave over the stove or stress about a new recipe coming out. I really recommend you not do a ton (like, MAYBE one) brand new recipes for the day of. You can do more if you can get a "practice run" before then. Also, try to stick to about a max of 5 ingredients per dish. This will keep it simple.
4. Write down a plan of what needs done. The days before, and the day of. Write down temps and minutes of cooking, and make sure you have enough stove tops and oven space to get it done. Also make sure that you know where all of your recipes are.
6. Accept and even request help. This include set up and clean up.
These tips really help me to enjoy the holidays, and the people around me! Do you have some helpful tips? Comment below!